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International Affairs Forum
IAF Articles: Security: Arms Control

1-30 IAF Articles articles displayed
for the Security/Arms Control Topic

Examining Humanitarian Consequences of Nuclear Conflict
Examining Humanitarian Consequences of Nuclear Conflict

Examining the still-present threat of nuclear conflict and stockpiles. By Anusua Ganguly. (11/15/2023)


Triangularity of Nuclear Arms Control
Triangularity of Nuclear Arms Control

Examining possible implications of China’s involvement in Nuclear Arms talks. By Alexander G. Savelyev. (10/04/2020)


Keeping Nuclear Arms Control Alive
Keeping Nuclear Arms Control Alive

Overview of the nuclear arms strategic disarmament between the U.S. and USSR.  From former member of the Soviet negotiating team on START and SALT talks, Alexander Savelyev.  (06/24/... Read More...

Keeping Nuclear Arms Control Alive
Keeping Nuclear Arms Control Alive

Overview of the strategic disarmament between US and RF/USSR. By Alexander Savelyev. (08/16/2018)


Questioning Anarchy: Nuclear Weapons as Leviathan
Questioning Anarchy: Nuclear Weapons as Leviathan

Paper aske, have nuclear weapons acted, to some extent, as the Leviathan of international politics since 1945? By Jibraan Mansoor. (07/05/2016)


The Peculiarities of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)
The Peculiarities of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)

Analysis of the Iranian nuclear arms deal. By Dr. Sohail Mahmood. (12/24/2015)


Reconsidering Nuclear Deterrence in South Asia – Past, Present and Future
Reconsidering Nuclear Deterrence in South Asia – Past, Present and Future

What has the impact of nuclear weapons had on Indian-Pakistani conflict?  By Dr. Mischa Hansel. (05/12/2015)


Nuclear Security and Sustainability: Is Moscow Committed?
Nuclear Security and Sustainability: Is Moscow Committed?

A look at Russian nuclear security policy and its possible future. By Elizabeth Zolotukhina. (02/23/2015)


Three likely outcomes of the Iran nuclear talks
Three likely outcomes of the Iran nuclear talks

 What are the likely outcomes for the Nov. 24th deadline for a final agreement about Iran's nuclear program? By Jofi Joseph.  (11/13/2014)


Nuclear Security: A Casualty of Moscow’s Involvement in Ukraine
Nuclear Security: A Casualty of Moscow’s Involvement in Ukraine

Where does the nuclear situation lie in Russia now?  An analysis. By Elizabeth Zolotukhina (07/08/2014)


Iranian Nuclear Deal: Implications
Iranian Nuclear Deal: Implications

What are the implications of the Iranian nuclear deal not only within the Middle East but internationally. By Dr. Kashi N. Pandita (01/16/2014)


Bombing Iran's Nuclear Enrichment Facilities
Bombing Iran's Nuclear Enrichment Facilities
A skeptical look at intervention scenarios to thwart the Iranian nuclear program. By Marvin Baker Schaffer (07/30/2012) Read More...

The Return of Dr. Strangelove: How austerity makes us stop worrying and love the bomb…and cyber war
The Return of Dr. Strangelove: How austerity makes us stop worrying and love the bomb…and cyber war
What does the future hold for effective deterrence policy? By Jan Kallberg and Adam Lowther. (07/25/2012) Read More...

Ballistic Missile Defense in Europe: Furthering U.S. Security, or Angering Allies?
Ballistic Missile Defense in Europe: Furthering U.S. Security, or Angering Allies?
Analysis of US intentions to shelve ballistic missile defense including reaction from, and implications for, Europe and Russian Federation. By Elizabeth Zolotukhina. (03/28/2010) Read More...

IA-Forum Interview: Prof. Wu Xinbo
IA-Forum Interview: Prof. Wu Xinbo
International Affairs Forum speaks with Professor Wu Xinbo about issues regarding China and Asia. By Stefan Daniels. (IA-Forum, 03/23/2007) Read More...

IA Forum Interview: Hossein Aryan
IA Forum Interview: Hossein Aryan
International Affairs Forum discusses nuclear proliferation in Iran with Hossein Aryan, defense analyst and part time lecturer at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. By Vanessa Kortekaas. (IA-For... Read More...

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IA-Forum Interview: Richard Weitz
IA-Forum discusses security issues with Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow and Director of Program Management at the Hudson Institute, and author of 'Revitalising US-Russian Security Cooperation: Practical ... Read More...

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IA-Forum Interview: Dr. James J. Pryzstup
IA-Forum speaks with Dr. James J. Przystup, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of National Strategic Studies at the National Defense about Korea. By Steve Kochheiser. (IA-Forum, 7/22/2005) Read More...

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