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International Affairs Forum
IAF Editorials: Defense & Military

1-30 IAF Editorials articles displayed
for the Defense and Military Topic

War in the Age of Armchair Generals
War in the Age of Armchair Generals

Examining the relationship between leaders' combat experience and the rate of militarism.  By Brian Johnson. (12/28/2022)


Check out this @SIPRIorg vacancy if you are interested on state-society relations in the #MENA region https://t.co/TRI6dMA7K6

— Vongai Murugani (vongai_g) 10/19/2021
Vongai Murugani
SIPRI - Twitter (10/19/2021)

The #GlobalHungerIndex2021 launch debate was a rich and dynamic discussion. If you missed it, you can watch it here… https://t.co/yNmS0z9Obs

— Réiseal Ní Chéilleachair (Reiseal2) 10/18/2021
Réiseal Ní Chéilleachair
SIPRI - Twitter (10/18/2021)

#IASN2020 #ÁmbitosSegNacional????Defensa Nacional @Defensagob ?? Evolución del gasto en defensa a nivel mundial… https://t.co/n3Y1Qv0rQG

— DSN (dsn) 10/17/2021
SIPRI - Twitter (10/17/2021)

It's the annual @nupinytt/@SIPRIorg trip to #Zurich to check on the secret Nordic peace-building bank accounts, evi… https://t.co/7rNgModiL5

— Richard Gowan (RichardGowan1) 10/16/2021
Richard Gowan
SIPRI - Twitter (10/16/2021)

For every terrorist attack that occurs anywhere in the world Pakistan should be questioned. #SanctionPakistan to en… https://t.co/hRYTxNgKjb

— Andrin Krause (andrin199720) 10/16/2021
Andrin Krause
SIPRI - Twitter (10/16/2021)

Top read > Mali, Chad and Guinea – why are #coups making a comeback in Africa? Last chance to register for our sem… https://t.co/iF13lClfWY

— ISS (issafrica) 10/16/2021
SIPRI - Twitter (10/16/2021)

Hunger, violent conflict & the impacts of climate change are all on the rise #WorldFoodDay is a reminder that we ne… https://t.co/yXsvERO7hz

— Inter Press Service (ipsnews) 10/15/2021
Inter Press Service
SIPRI - Twitter (10/15/2021)

Well done to Dan Smith and @SIPRIorg team, I'm a big fan of the informative, intelligent and balanced material SIPR… https://t.co/Z28ixB37FW

— marcus collins ??? ?????? (marcusc10440997) 10/15/2021
marcus collins ??? ??????
SIPRI - Twitter (10/15/2021)

As the EU???? officially launches its new Training Mission for #Mozambique????, you can read @SIPRIorg assessments of t… https://t.co/njFJ8JW1Vi

— Paul D Williams (PDWilliamsGWU) 10/15/2021
Paul D Williams
SIPRI - Twitter (10/15/2021)

The Stockholm Int'l Peace Research Institute (@SIPRIorg) is seeking a Research Assistant to support the work of the… https://t.co/axhEpvh3Q3

— Rutgers DGA (Rutgers_DGA) 10/15/2021
Rutgers DGA
SIPRI - Twitter (10/15/2021)

The ‘Great Wall of Sand’ is Just the Beginning
The ‘Great Wall of Sand’ is Just the Beginning

Rising risks associated with the expansion of small islands and reefs in the South China Sea into sprawling Chinese military assets. (12/28/2018)


Nawaz Government and the Pakistan Military: A Note on Current Politics
Nawaz Government and the Pakistan Military: A Note on Current Politics

A view into Pakistan's Nawaz government and its relation to the county's military power center. By Dr. Sohail Mahmood. (10/12/2017)


Naval Convergence between Pakistan and Sri Lanka: Implications for India
Naval Convergence between Pakistan and Sri Lanka: Implications for India

What are the implications of newly developing naval diplomacy between Pakistan and Sri Lanka for India? By Dr. Adarsh Vijay. (09/14/2017)


Why The UK Needs HMS Queen Elizabeth
Why The UK Needs HMS Queen Elizabeth

The United Kingdom joins the major nations in the world by having a tool to achieve deterrence, diplomatic obligations, disaster relief and humanitarian aid. It is about time. By Danny Hawkins. (07... Read More...

The Next Pearl Harbor
The Next Pearl Harbor

What is the future of naval warfare?  What preparations should the U.S make to avoid a disastrous naval battle loss in the next few decades? By Tim Holmgren. (05/05/2016)


The Threat of MANPAD Proliferation
The Threat of MANPAD Proliferation

Shoud Man-Portable Anti-Air Defense (MANPADs) be given to Syrian rebels? By Seth Berman. (04/27/2016



Japan’s Strain Over Island Dispute
Japan’s Strain Over Island Dispute

Japan's dispute with China over Senkaku Islands putting pressure on its defense stance. By Marian Fakhry. (11/20/2015)


U.S. Should Conclude the Negotiation on Rules for Aerial Encounters with China
U.S. Should Conclude the Negotiation on Rules for Aerial Encounters with China

Author argues that the United States should conclude the negotiations with China on an agreed code of conduct for aerial encounters.  By Han Guo.  (11/17/2015) 


Kremlin’s Battling with Islamic State or Search for New Role
Kremlin’s Battling with Islamic State or Search for New Role

What factors are behind the Russian move in Syria? By Sandeep Tripathi. (10/19/2015)


External Article
How Russia, China, and IS Have Made the US Popular Again

Allies and partners are looking to the United States in ways not seen since the Cold War.  By Rob Spalding and Adam Lowther. (The Diplomat, 06/29/2015)


What to do about Syria?
What to do about Syria?

The best way towards solving Syria is not through military violence. By Dr. Anna Cornelia Beyer


Tribulation of the Right to Free Passage: Strolling in your neighbor’s front yard with a hand gun?
Tribulation of the Right to Free Passage: Strolling in your neighbor’s front yard with a hand gun?

UNCLOS states that all states enjoy the right of innocent passage through the territorial sea. But what about warships and ships containing dangerous cargo?  By Amit R. Saksena. (01/... Read More...

An Iron Dome for India - Why is it in nobody’s interest
An Iron Dome for India - Why is it in nobody’s interest

Is India's Ballistic Missile Defense initiative really beneficial?  By Amit R. Saksena. (10/17/2014)


How to Pull Turkey into the Anti-ISIL Coalition
How to Pull Turkey into the Anti-ISIL Coalition

Turkey has been pressured by the West to join the coalition against ISIS. Now that the elections are over and its hostages have been freed, it might just happen.  By Murat Ulgul.  (f... Read More...

The New Leaders are the EU’s Response
The New Leaders are the EU’s Response

Contrary to many who belive the EU has done little in reaction to the Ukrainian crisis, its response has been made.  By Panos Chatzinikolaou. (09/08/2014)


US Policy Options for Iraq and the ISIS Threat
US Policy Options for Iraq and the ISIS Threat

Recent development in Iraq leave the US in a precarious place.  What are its options? By Andrew Kelly.  (07/04/2014)


India-Pakistan Detente: Positive Note
India-Pakistan Detente: Positive Note

Do recent events point to an unflawing for Indian-Pakistan relations? By Dr. Kashi N Pandita. (01/24/2014)


Unilateral Humanitarian Intervention in Syria and the Law of Use of Force: The US or the UN?
Unilateral Humanitarian Intervention in Syria and the Law of Use of Force: The US or the UN?
Legally, can the use of force on the basis of humanitarian grounds be used in Syria? By Henok Gabisa. (09/11/2013) Read More...

Is American Power Truly Declining?
Is American Power Truly Declining?
Contrary to some viewe, American military, economic and diplomatic power is not declining. By Zachary K. Ochoa. (07/18/2013) Read More...

1-30 | 31-41

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