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IAF Editorials: Middle East/Caucasus: Middle East

1-30 IAF Editorials articles displayed
for the Middle East/Caucasus/Middle East Region

The Collapse of Iran’s Shia Crescent, What’s Next?
The Collapse of Iran’s Shia Crescent, What’s Next?
Tracking the decline of Iran's regional influence. By Dr. Shermeen Yousif. (02/07/2025) Read More...

War as Genocide in Gaza: Reassessing Application of the Genocide Convention
War as Genocide in Gaza: Reassessing Application of the Genocide Convention
Author examines debate whether Israel’s actions in Gaza constitute genocide. By Elliott Howes. (10/16/2024) Read More...

The Iran- Israel War: Bilateral Conflict or the Brink of World War III?
The Iran- Israel War: Bilateral Conflict or the Brink of World War III?
What is the prognosis for the Iran-Israel conflict? By Jai Kumar.(10/10/2024) Read More...

Just or unjust War: An analysis of Hamas 7th October Attack
Just or unjust War: An analysis of Hamas 7th October Attack
Author explores the question of whether the war in Gaza is just or unjust. By Fahad Abdullah. (06/15/2024) Read More...

Israel-Hamas War: Advantage India
Israel-Hamas War: Advantage India

Author provides critical assessment of Indian worker diaspora to the Middle East. By Sarosh Bana. (04/12/2024)


The Middle East Conflict's Terrible Setback to Egypt
The Middle East Conflict's Terrible Setback to Egypt

Author examines how Egypt's economic crisis has worsened since the start of the Middle East conflict, and how the conflict could further strain the nation's economic resources due to an influx of r... Read More...

Establishing Negative Peace: Lessons from the Past for Israel
Establishing Negative Peace: Lessons from the Past for Israel

Lessons can be learned from the Libyan intervention and historical experiences that can be applied to the conflict in Gaza. By Triveni Fotedar. (12/29/2023)


Erdogan’s Populism: A Contradictory Case
Erdogan’s Populism: A Contradictory Case

Erdogan doesn't fit the perception of populists. Why?  By Iuri M.Piovezan. (12/20/2023)


Understanding Israel: The Story of Sderot
Understanding Israel: The Story of Sderot

The town of Sderot, site of the recent attack by Hamas, has a long history of suffering. By Logan M. Williams


Letter to the Editor: Israel’s “Friendship” with Russia was Always a Farce
Letter to the Editor: Israel’s “Friendship” with Russia was Always a Farce

Russia's uneasy reactions to Israel, in light of the Israeli-Hamas conflict. By Logan M. Williams. (11/10/2023)


The Daunting Question: Is Israel Playing Against Itself?
The Daunting Question: Is Israel Playing Against Itself?

Author reevaluates Israel's present military strategy. By Katarina Sikimic Martinovic. (11/07/2023)


Palestine: The Land Deserves Peace
Palestine: The Land Deserves Peace

Author calls for a peaceful solution to be found soon in the Palestinan conflict. By yamna khajjak. (10/28/2023)


Extremism in Israel and Palestine: A Roadblock to Peace
Extremism in Israel and Palestine: A Roadblock to Peace

Extremism is pulling the Middle East apart. By Iuri M. Piovezan. (10/23/2023)


Russia Stays Silent, Abandoning Israel in the Face of Hamas' Brutal Attack on Innocent Civilians
Russia Stays Silent, Abandoning Israel in the Face of Hamas' Brutal Attack on Innocent Civilians

Russia has abandoned the “partnership” it claimed to have with Israel. By Logan M. Williams. (10/20/2023)


Hamas Attack on China
Hamas Attack on China

Ramifications of the Hamas attack on Israel extend geopolitically around the world. By Dr. Manlio Graziano. (10/09/2023)


A Minor Issue with Global Consequences
A Minor Issue with Global Consequences

Can a Middle East deal be reached? By Dr. Alexander Loengarov. (09/27/2023)


3rd Anniversary of the Abraham Accords
3rd Anniversary of the Abraham Accords

Reflecting on the Abraham Accords. By Amr Wagdy. (09/26/2023)


Palestinian Terror is Not an Act of Fate
Palestinian Terror is Not an Act of Fate

To makes strides towards peace, Israelis and Palestinians must find balance and acceptance of their respective narratives. By Dr. Alexander Loengarov. (09/19/2023)


The one-state solution in the Israel-Palestine conflict boils down to institutionalizing the status quo. Only a two-state solution is desirable.
The one-state solution in the Israel-Palestine conflict boils down to institutionalizing the status quo. Only a two-state solution is desirable.

Rather than choosing the one-state solution out of pragmatism and leaving Palestinians to a miserable fate, the international community should carry working on the two-state solution. By Adrien Dan... Read More...

Iran-Saudi Peace Deal: Opportunities for Pakistan
Iran-Saudi Peace Deal: Opportunities for Pakistan

The Iran-Saudi rapprochement may provide Pakistan with numerous opportunities.  How so? By Maria Mansab. (04/11/2023)


Reconsidering the Middle East: The Fate of Generation 1979 and Another Hiatus
Reconsidering the Middle East: The Fate of Generation 1979 and Another Hiatus

‘Generation 1979’ and its influnce on the Middle East's political and social landscape. By Saaq Iqbal. (04/06/2023)


The Abraham Accords and New Tensions Between the Maghreb Rivals
The Abraham Accords and New Tensions Between the Maghreb Rivals

Algeria and Morocco seek to impose their regional agenda to evolve into a dominant power in the Maghreb. By Walid Blila. (04/03/2023)


A Sandstorm is Imminent in the Arab World
A Sandstorm is Imminent in the Arab World

A political sandstorm is imminent in the Arab World, and it is bringing unification, sought-out alliances, reestablishment of ties, and a call to greater peace with it. By Muhammad Abdullah Hamid. ... Read More...

Erdogan’s War? Analysing Turkish Motivations for Possible Syrian Invasion
Erdogan’s War? Analysing Turkish Motivations for Possible Syrian Invasion

What are the possibilities for Turkish invasion of Syria? By Nivan Bagchi. (01/18/2022)


Revolutions Reversed
Revolutions Reversed

Reflecting on the Arab Sprint and its impacts. By Damilare Oyebobola. (01/02/2023)


Will Iran’s Women-led Counter-Revolution Succeed?
Will Iran’s Women-led Counter-Revolution Succeed?

What are the challenges for the women-led protests in Iran?  By Naad-e-Ali Sulehria. (11/29/2022)


The Personal Dimension in Saudi-U.S. Relations
The Personal Dimension in Saudi-U.S. Relations

Relations between Saudi Arabia and the United States are largely set by the respective  leaders and the nature of the relationship between them. By Dr. Moran Zaga and Kobby Barda. (10/31/2022)


It’s Time to Reprimand Iran
It’s Time to Reprimand Iran

Author argues Iran’s human rights violations need to be condemned and international pressure should increase for reform. By Jenna Dauria. (10/27/2022)


The Long Arm of Despotism Reaches Inside Western Liberal Democracies
The Long Arm of Despotism Reaches Inside Western Liberal Democracies

Dependencies and other mechanisms enable despotic regimes to affect human rights in the rest of the world. By Andreas V Georgiou. (07/26/2022)


By helping run Kabul airport, ???? believes it can gain a foothold in ????, which would in turn help it achieve its bro… https://t.co/hvugShtOXU

— Chatham House (ChathamHouse) 10/19/2021
Chatham House
Chatham House MENA - Twitter (10/19/2021)

1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-101

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