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International Affairs Forum
IAF Editorials: Europe

151-180 IAF Editorials articles displayed
for the Europe Region

??#Tech Talk Secteur Public Aerospace & Defense ! Introduction avec @RoussetPhilipp2 et Eric André Martin de l'… https://t.co/7VbgiDTfDZ

— Oracle France (Oracle_France) 10/19/2021
Oracle France
French Institute of International Relations Twitter (10/19/2021)

Bit of personal news, as they say: As of yesterday, I've joined @ECFRParis as Pan-European Fellow, where I'll be fo… https://t.co/tQvMkKrr4D

— Francesca Frassineti (Fra_Frassineti) 10/19/2021
Francesca Frassineti
European Council on Foreign Relations - Twitter (10/19/2021)

Merci à l'@usinenouvelle et @GautierVirol de consacrer un article à mon rapport @IFRI_ sur les supercalculateurs e… https://t.co/6edouUkDpD

— Alice Pannier (AlicePannier) 10/19/2021
Alice Pannier
French Institute of International Relations Twitter (10/19/2021)

La escalada de precios de la energía es uno de los primeros grandes retos a los que se enfrenta la transición hacia… https://t.co/nZVjgR53wo

— Carlos Cam (_carloscam_) 10/19/2021
Carlos Cam
The Economist - Twitter (10/19/2021)

We were honored to welcome @TheEconomist's @JamesMAstill for sharing his knowledge & insightful analysis about the… https://t.co/0PjTVrbKhm

— HARMAN (Harman) 10/19/2021
The Economist - Twitter (10/19/2021)

Let’s see in the court. @UKinNigeria @USinNigeria @EUinNigeria @real_IpobDOS @NOIweala @USIP https://t.co/uBzHjgyBUc

— Nosa peace Onyebuchi ??????????? (NosaOnyebuchi) 10/19/2021
Nosa peace Onyebuchi ???????????
USIP - Twitter (10/19/2021)

Indian American @GitaGopinath plans to leave the International Monetary Fund @IMFNews as its chief economist in Jan… https://t.co/4Vmdq8f5uJ

— Lalit K Jha ???? ?? ?? (lalitkjha) 10/19/2021
Lalit K Jha ???? ?? ??
IMF - Twitter (10/19/2021)

Really looking forward to joining this @CarnegieEndow on Wednesday to talk about presidential elections in Uzbekist… https://t.co/vmibT65p68

— Jen Brick Murtazashvili (jmurtazashvili) 10/19/2021
Jen Brick Murtazashvili
Carnegie Twitter (10/19/2021)

The ???? push for digital regs targeting ???? companies is undermining transatlantic efforts at coordinating and advanc… https://t.co/XjOJhck9AU

— US Chamber European Affairs Program (USCC_Europe) 10/19/2021
US Chamber European Affairs Program
Politico Europe - Twitter (10/19/2021)

Striketober: American workers take to the picket lines https://t.co/WMIoCwQMGF from @TheEconomist https://t.co/WMIoCwQMGF

— (((HenryGraham))) (canablach) 10/19/2021
The Economist - Twitter (10/19/2021)

You can't miss the Webinar "Digital Trade in Latin America & The Caribbean". Organized by @ITAM_mx, @wto, @uchile,… https://t.co/9GY76O1ggM

— Derecho ITAM (Derecho_ITAM) 10/19/2021
Derecho ITAM
WTO - Twitter (10/19/2021)

A senior delegation of Israeli officials & security experts came with ELNET to Paris to meet ???? counterparts and at… https://t.co/lTS35Fv4q0

— ELNET (elnetwork_eu) 10/19/2021
French Institute of International Relations Twitter (10/19/2021)

And #GradEater @NishthaChatters, @UCIrvine econ Ph.D. candidate, who studies how economic discrimination impacts in… https://t.co/UnZPv4iUiz

— UCI Social Sciences (ucisocsci) 10/19/2021
UCI Social Sciences
IMF - Twitter (10/19/2021)

Al parecer tampoco del gobierno de @lopezobrador_. Sólo que estos tengan carácter electoral, entonces sí… https://t.co/FpZYlSK9AF

— AustinPowersSpy (SpyPowers) 10/19/2021
The Economist - Twitter (10/19/2021)

COLOMBIA VERGONZANTE CON VIOLADORES EN @CongresoCol !!! @OEA_oficial @ONU_es @antonioguterres @UNIONEUROPEA @CIDH… https://t.co/IxW5PmPcmJ

— Rosa Elvira Vargas M (roelvarmo) 10/19/2021
Rosa Elvira Vargas M
The Economist - Twitter (10/19/2021)

.@IMFNews corta el pronóstico de crecimiento de Asia, advierte de los riesgos de la cadena de suministro… https://t.co/4fT8ALpXGk

— Pilotzi Noticias (PilotziNoticias) 10/19/2021
Pilotzi Noticias
IMF - Twitter (10/19/2021)

Our hybrid events are in full swing at @AmChamEU! Looking forward to hearing from our panel of Christopher Houchens… https://t.co/bkA30EZQqH

— AmCham EU (AmChamEU) 10/19/2021
AmCham EU
Centre for European Policy Studies Twitter (10/19/2021)

How do ordinary people think about European sovereignty? Very interesting survey from 8 Member States presented by… https://t.co/zFeIwhHhPw

— StahlETUC (EtucStahl) 10/19/2021
Friedrich Ebert Foundation Twitter (10/19/2021)

At #EUCO, EU leaders will discuss the @EU_Commission's energy toolbox to tackle record #EnergyPrices. Euranet Plus… https://t.co/OUfzDwJyh3

— Euranet Plus (EuranetPlus) 10/19/2021
Euranet Plus
Centre for European Policy Studies Twitter (10/19/2021)

14th Anniversary Edition – Trade Update, @AmbassadorTai Remarks As Prepared for Delivery on the @WTO, Global… https://t.co/T0YxX5WvId

— CalChamber (CalChamber) 10/19/2021
WTO - Twitter (10/19/2021)

Wonderful news. @politico @POLITICOEurope @protocol @DII_EU all one family @axelspringer_EN https://t.co/nxkOzK4MAE

— Sherazade Semsar (SherazadeSemsar) 10/19/2021
Sherazade Semsar
Politico Europe - Twitter (10/19/2021)

Moscow's Illusionless Realism in #Afghanistan @OrientXXI @RTarabic @CarnegieRussia @BBCWorld https://t.co/LskveCOGsI

— Nouvelles d'Orient (alaingresh) 10/19/2021
Nouvelles d'Orient
Carnegie Russia - Twitter (10/19/2021)

Este martes tenemos la segunda sesión de nuestra II Cohorte del Programa de Capacitación: Mujeres Venezolanas Const… https://t.co/hLRRfa9lS1

— REDiálogo (redialogo) 10/19/2021
USIP - Twitter (10/19/2021)

There is no yardstick for misery. But this is the cost that Afghanistan's neighbors are going to bear (in % GDP t… https://t.co/5KU2ou6eEf

— Wajahat S. Khan (WajSKhan) 10/19/2021
Wajahat S. Khan
IMF - Twitter (10/19/2021)

.@CarnegieEndow Amr Adly | "Regardless of its success, the #Egyptian-#Turkish pattern of sustaining trade relations… https://t.co/9vAL1VVovo

— Middle East Policy Platform (MEPolicyPlat) 10/19/2021
Middle East Policy Platform
Carnegie Twitter (10/19/2021)

??For the Record, the WHOLE?????? Is Watching in DISBELIEF w/@RepAdamSchiff as his @GOP “Colleagues” Ensconce In Immora… https://t.co/VXdRD30BN9

— charabia (charabia539) 10/19/2021
WTO - Twitter (10/19/2021)

.@TAMULawSchool @profpeteryu releases critical appraisal of #COVID19 #TRIPSWaiver - noting importance of good-faith… https://t.co/NvwHYrGiwQ

— TAMU CLIP (TAMUclip) 10/19/2021
WTO - Twitter (10/19/2021)

????USA, China, Russia, UK, @pfizer, @astrazeneca, @IMFNews, all received the same letter from 6 @UN_SPExpertsUN call… https://t.co/SmR2OZL8g5

— INCLO (INCLOnet) 10/19/2021
IMF - Twitter (10/19/2021)

Pino Arlacchi, fd C UNODC berättade att Norden var ledande givare när förra talibanregeringen nästen helt utrotade… https://t.co/degRf24wQe

— Ulf Sandmark (UlfSk48) 10/19/2021
Ulf Sandmark
SIPRI - Twitter (10/19/2021)

Sverige har genom finansministern ett särskilt ansvar att släppa fram afghanska folkets IMF-pengar till mat och sju… https://t.co/3xutLcJwjY

— Ulf Sandmark (UlfSk48) 10/19/2021
Ulf Sandmark
SIPRI - Twitter (10/19/2021)

1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-150 | 151-180 | 181-210 | 211-240 | 241-270 | 271-300 | 301-330 | 331-335

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