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International Affairs Forum
Social Media: Asia/Pacific

121-148 Social Media articles displayed
for the Asia/Pacific Region

Should be a good discussion later this week hosted by @gmfus in partnership with @CanEmbFrance @AmbCanFrance on Tra… https://t.co/lv9hISswV0

— J. Berkshire Miller (jbmllr) 10/18/2021
J. Berkshire Miller
Japan Institute of International Affairs Twitter (10/18/2021)

Climate Change, Terrorism or Globalisation? Almost ¾ of Europeans think that European Sovereignty should be strengt… https://t.co/rnU0uQsWQW

— Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Nordic Countries (FES_Nord) 10/18/2021
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Nordic Countries
Friedrich Ebert Foundation Twitter (10/18/2021)

???? @fteconomics @FT @guardian @BBCWorld @DrEricDing Time for a report on rich Switzerland. Still no booster mandat… https://t.co/cAQDPk30eE

— Eye Roll with a dash of WTAF???? #ProtectTheKids (EyeWtaf) 10/18/2021
Eye Roll with a dash of WTAF???? #ProtectTheKids
FT Economics Twitter (10/18/2021)

???Suivez l'atelier de controverses "Forêt landaise et #photovoltaïque" à 18h sur https://t.co/EhLrrVlv3P, avec :… https://t.co/dSbGKITFWj

— Débat public Plateforme photovoltaïque "Horizeo" (DebatHorizeo) 10/18/2021
Débat public Plateforme photovoltaïque "Horizeo"
French Institute of International Relations Twitter (10/18/2021)

.@ADBInstitute and @Stanford will host a 3-day training program exclusively for government officials from developin… https://t.co/W3bIafHt3U

— Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBInstitute) 10/18/2021
Asian Development Bank Institute
Asian Development Bank Institute - Twitter (10/18/2021)

Comments to @TorontoStar on Canada and the Indo-Pacific: https://t.co/FD2ZZYkE2w HT: @Nuttallreports @MLInstitute… https://t.co/w2CUmPpJDW

— J. Berkshire Miller (jbmllr) 10/17/2021
J. Berkshire Miller
Japan Institute of International Affairs Twitter (10/17/2021)

Mon article dans @LEXPRESS Répression à Cuba : "Pour la première fois, le castrisme est sur la défensive" (en photo… https://t.co/PaiRxK63n9

— Axel Gylden (AxelGylden) 10/17/2021
Axel Gylden
French Institute of International Relations Twitter (10/17/2021)

Espionnage : ils voulaient trahir leur pays, ils risquent la prison à vie. La consternante histoire des deux amateu… https://t.co/dYi1Yw6Q9h

— Axel Gylden (AxelGylden) 10/17/2021
Axel Gylden
French Institute of International Relations Twitter (10/17/2021)

???? @FT @fteconomics #China: can green tech replace faltering real estate as the engine of economic growth? https://t.co/rwehhgBQIq

— Nathan Douglas Ngumi (NathanNgumi) 10/17/2021
Nathan Douglas Ngumi
FT Economics Twitter (10/17/2021)

A good article on supply chain shortages from @fteconomics https://t.co/f1PFVOo8a5

— Stephen (stevosaysthis) 10/17/2021
FT Economics Twitter (10/17/2021)

We are proud to announce that our @KaminskiTomas @CiesielskaJoana @MichalGzik's research on EU-China relations has… https://t.co/sFc6r2s8Zq

— WSMiP_UniLodz (wsmip) 10/16/2021
French Institute of International Relations Twitter (10/16/2021)

.@MESandbu's Free Lunch: https://t.co/1yjLo6Dbmn #ftfreelunch via @FT @FTEconomics is a a great summing up of the… https://t.co/F0lb4DEUSH

— Vitor Constâncio (VMRConstancio) 10/14/2021
Vitor Constâncio
FT Economics Twitter (10/14/2021)

Was great to join the book launch at @ADBInstitute on COVID! Download your own copy here: https://t.co/32GFqL6XAt… https://t.co/fPelqJmKHm

— Sweta Saxena (sweta_saxena) 10/14/2021
Sweta Saxena
Asian Development Bank Institute - Twitter (10/14/2021)

Join us for another discussion on the Geopolitics of the #IndoPacific @MLInstitute @CAGlobalAffairs @AsiaPacificFdn… https://t.co/dhthJNEtdU

— Stephen Robert Nagy (nagystephen1) 10/14/2021
Stephen Robert Nagy
Japan Institute of International Affairs Twitter (10/14/2021)

Register for the upcoming 3rd ADBI-BI-APAEA Joint Workshop on “Maintaining Stability and Promoting Sustainable Grow… https://t.co/p83IVcjPmf

— Asia-Pacific Applied Economics Association (APAEA) (APAEAofficial) 10/14/2021
Asia-Pacific Applied Economics Association (APAEA)
Asian Development Bank Institute - Twitter (10/14/2021)

The Benefits and Risks of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor https://t.co/ab1U6wW3oi via @CarnegieBeijing

— Pure Breed (press_wing) 10/14/2021
Pure Breed
Carnegie Beijing - Twitter (10/14/2021)

My view on why looking at Africa solely thru "Great Power Competition" w #China can harm #Africa. Thanks @USIP.… https://t.co/xn3uHbZRLm

— Paul Nantulya ?? (PNantulya) 10/14/2021
Paul Nantulya ??
Carnegie Beijing - Twitter (10/14/2021)

.@ADBInstitute, @bank_indonesia, APAEA Joint Workshop on Monetary Policy, Banking and Finance, and Central Banking… https://t.co/opR8I7KV2K

— Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBInstitute) 10/14/2021
Asian Development Bank Institute
Asian Development Bank Institute - Twitter (10/14/2021)

Our EU Ambassador on @BBCNewsnight last evening, 13/10. Well worth a hearing. @EUinJapan @MofaJapan_en @MOF_Japan… https://t.co/039A95G0FT

— Ireland in Japan (IrishEmbJapanEN) 10/13/2021
Ireland in Japan
Japan Institute of International Affairs Twitter (10/13/2021)

Txs to @ISDP_Sweden @jppjagannath1 & copanalists for a great panel on #aukus @CAGlobalAffairs @iAffairsCanada… https://t.co/krvuNfeRHF

— Stephen Robert Nagy (nagystephen1) 10/13/2021
Stephen Robert Nagy
Japan Institute of International Affairs Twitter (10/13/2021)

Can #China shoulder its massive debt burden? How serious is the threat of contagion from #Evergrande? Will China's… https://t.co/toFvExojIw

— Real Vision (RealVision) 10/13/2021
Real Vision
Carnegie Beijing - Twitter (10/13/2021)

Speech by European Commission Vice-President Šef?ovi? - 13 October. ?@EUinJapan? ?@MofaJapan_en? ?@MOF_Japan? ?… https://t.co/1DwwWfAmRl

— Ireland in Japan (IrishEmbJapanEN) 10/13/2021
Ireland in Japan
Japan Institute of International Affairs Twitter (10/13/2021)

This virtual conference will feature policy papers focusing on skills and labor market programs that could boost… https://t.co/UFSEJudoq1

— Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBInstitute) 10/12/2021
Asian Development Bank Institute
Asian Development Bank Institute - Twitter (10/12/2021)

The Crans Montana Forum is now acting in #Africa through the CRANS MONTANA AFRICA ?@fteconomics? ?… https://t.co/1ZZwftKcsJ

— CMF - Crans Montana Forum Organization ?? (CransMontanaF) 10/12/2021
CMF - Crans Montana Forum Organization ??
FT Economics Twitter (10/12/2021)

India will be the highest thriving economy in the World ??!! Courtesy-@imfnews predictions 2022.??????!! ??????… https://t.co/lfNisda4Ie

— Neeraj mishra (neeraj_nirab) 10/12/2021
Neeraj mishra
FT Economics Twitter (10/12/2021)

ASBESTOS ALERT IN VIETNAM: Warns that #asbestos -a "poison" banned in 60+ countries- is still widely used in… https://t.co/LcH8BefRN6

— Laurie Kazan-Allen ?? (ibasecretariat) 10/11/2021
Laurie Kazan-Allen ??
Asian Development Bank Institute - Twitter (10/11/2021)

Not only is Dr. Card an immigrant but his work highlights the contributions immigrants make to the workforce. For m… https://t.co/GUFe4BQL7g

— James Witte (jamescwitte) 10/11/2021
James Witte
The Economist Economics - Twitter (10/11/2021)

.@ADBInstitute, @ADB_HQ, and the Korea Development Institute are seeking research paper submissions on public debt… https://t.co/xxXOn4RoEx

— Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBInstitute) 10/10/2021
Asian Development Bank Institute
Asian Development Bank Institute - Twitter (10/10/2021)

1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-148

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