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International Affairs Forum
Social Media: Asia/Pacific

61-90 Social Media articles displayed
for the Asia/Pacific Region

Looking for a job at the World Bank Group? Get some advice from our recruiters. Post your questions on @LinkedIn us… https://t.co/Yyo9Pd24gR

— Anna Frick (she/her) (AnnaKFrick) 10/19/2021
Anna Frick (she/her)
World Bank - Twitter (10/19/2021)

#Iran’s State Media:Social&Economic Crises Are Countdowns to Uprisings #Poverty,#CORRUPTION,#COVID19,… https://t.co/6YkNMEywF5

— shadi asadian (FarimaFard) 10/19/2021
shadi asadian
FT Economics Twitter (10/19/2021)

#Iran’s State Media:Social&Economic Crises Are Countdowns to Uprisings #Poverty,#CORRUPTION,#COVID19,… https://t.co/z7yfKP2azh

— Ebrahim Mazandarani (ebmazandarani1) 10/19/2021
Ebrahim Mazandarani
FT Economics Twitter (10/19/2021)

#Iran’s State Media:Social&Economic Crises Are Countdowns to Uprisings #Poverty,#CORRUPTION,#COVID19,… https://t.co/UAyoORVlML

— nabardeakharin (nabardeakharin1) 10/19/2021
FT Economics Twitter (10/19/2021)

.@Jayati1609: The “Doing Business” controversy has shaken confidence in the @WorldBank and the @IMFNews. But it mus… https://t.co/IEevTDO54z

— Project Syndicate (ProSyn) 10/19/2021
Project Syndicate
IMF - Twitter (10/19/2021)

The @IMFNews downgrades #globaleconomy growth forecast for 2021: US down -1% on a year-on-year basis vs July estima… https://t.co/tkm3Oz3rCQ

— The Corner (thecornerdoteu) 10/19/2021
The Corner
IMF - Twitter (10/19/2021)

The talented Pashto poet Helamand Zhwandi was arrested and killed from his home in Khost last night. The killing of… https://t.co/wZm2HGAs8O

— Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM? ????? ?????? ?????? (PashtunTM_Offi_) 10/19/2021
Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM? ????? ?????? ??????
USIP - Twitter (10/19/2021)

Una nota internacional de @nytimes o de @TheEconomist le causa risa al cacas, se la pasa por los huevos, sabe que l… https://t.co/uKNRwz2wen

— LUJO DE TUITERO ?? (Dios_Tollotzinx) 10/19/2021
The Economist - Twitter (10/19/2021)

Our @Worldbank headline: "The Power of Parliamentarians: shepherding a green, resilient, and inclusive recovery" ?? https://t.co/UsRfZzjVCg

— Jakob Kopperud (jakobkopperud) 10/19/2021
Jakob Kopperud
World Bank - Twitter (10/19/2021)

Intensive discussion @valdaitweets around Minister Sergei Lavrov @MID_RF & @mfa_russia - global tour d’horizon -… https://t.co/m7Hy3NvY44

— Thomas Gomart (ThomasGomart) 10/19/2021
Thomas Gomart
French Institute of International Relations Twitter (10/19/2021)

Republicans’ trust in democracy has plunged since 2016 https://t.co/fuF4g5JquG from @TheEconomist https://t.co/fuF4g5JquG

— Harris R. Wood (HarrisRWood) 10/19/2021
Harris R. Wood
The Economist - Twitter (10/19/2021)

Colin Powell was the most prominent American soldier of his generation https://t.co/njpUOZLIw1 from @TheEconomist https://t.co/njpUOZLIw1

— Harris R. Wood (HarrisRWood) 10/19/2021
Harris R. Wood
The Economist - Twitter (10/19/2021)

We believe that instruments such as sovereign SLBs can help reward sustainable policy making and make climate and e… https://t.co/Pka9VSnFv2

— World Bank Finance, Trade, and Competitiveness (WBG_Finance) 10/19/2021
World Bank Finance, Trade, and Competitiveness
World Bank - Twitter (10/19/2021)

Dave Chappelle for gender realism https://t.co/gEgVWIVHsC from @TheEconomist https://t.co/gEgVWIVHsC

— soli ozel (soliozel2) 10/19/2021
soli ozel
The Economist - Twitter (10/19/2021)

????| EVENT TOMORROW! Join experts from @CarnegieEndow, University of Southern California, @OxusSociety, and… https://t.co/yapbIkJsPq

— Carnegie Russia (CarnegieRussia) 10/19/2021
Carnegie Russia
Carnegie Twitter (10/19/2021)

“It is one thing to grow a hamburger in a tank, another to get people to eat it, and a third to provide competitive… https://t.co/I39mQCsXqM

— Genetic Literacy Project (GeneticLiteracy) 10/19/2021
Genetic Literacy Project
The Economist - Twitter (10/19/2021)

The Africa Gender Innovation Lab is hiring a consultant to support a new @WorldBank regional flagship report on how… https://t.co/HoyYWbANc0

— Aletheia Donald (AletheiaDonald) 10/19/2021
Aletheia Donald
World Bank - Twitter (10/19/2021)

I disagree with this new article in National Review @NRO attacking the @WTO judicial system. Long gone are the day… https://t.co/rCuFvvx7q2

— Steve Charnovitz (SteveCharnovitz) 10/19/2021
Steve Charnovitz
WTO - Twitter (10/19/2021)

"Ce qui est arrivé à l’Europe dans le calcul haute-performance (#HPC) pourrait se réitérer dans le calcul… https://t.co/mCeGDsAeGT

— souveraine tech (SouveraineTech) 10/19/2021
souveraine tech
French Institute of International Relations Twitter (10/19/2021)

#Iran’s State Media:Social& Economic Crises Are Countdowns to Uprisings #Poverty,#CORRUPTION,#COVID19,… https://t.co/UJ2hAmc3tz

— kambiz mahmoudpour - ????? ????????? ?????? ????? (boghche) 10/19/2021
kambiz mahmoudpour - ????? ????????? ?????? ?????
FT Economics Twitter (10/19/2021)

Decentralised Finance | Adventures in DeFi-land, on @TheEconomist https://t.co/tlzmxZ7d6O

— David Tercero-Lucas (David_III_L) 10/19/2021
David Tercero-Lucas
The Economist - Twitter (10/19/2021)

The perfectionism trap | ?@TheEconomist? https://t.co/jOqrp6VTbS

— Jonathan Zaback (zabackj) 10/19/2021
Jonathan Zaback
The Economist - Twitter (10/19/2021)

Hey Genoss*innen @vorwaerts @FESonline @BWBStiftung @MartinSchulz @EskenSaskia @jessi_rosenthal @NowaboFM… https://t.co/YP1kLGT0g5

— Marxist_Moe :) (Moe_Mojito) 10/19/2021
Marxist_Moe :)
Friedrich Ebert Foundation Twitter (10/19/2021)

Alert in Assam over threats of attacks by Pakistan’s ISI, al Qaeda . https://t.co/hcMfptKciw @FATFNews @IMFNews

— Balamurugan.AN (Save Water)) (ciperon) 10/19/2021
Balamurugan.AN (Save Water))
IMF - Twitter (10/19/2021)

Russia clearly leads America in area of protester sophistication (from @TheEconomist) https://t.co/1aT7ecJHv0

— Seppi Hughes (CrookedMountain) 10/19/2021
Seppi Hughes
The Economist - Twitter (10/19/2021)

?? Our #IMFCovid19Index produced with @UNCTAD tracks how well @IMFnews programs score on supporting public health, v… https://t.co/VpRdCb0HcH

— Global Development Policy Center Boston University (GDP_Center) 10/19/2021
Global Development Policy Center Boston University
IMF - Twitter (10/19/2021)

A commitment to integrating gender provisions into WTO and trade agreements, based on the ???????????? #GTGA model, would… https://t.co/0Qsa8J5Ysx

— Debra Steger (DebraPS) 10/19/2021
Debra Steger
WTO - Twitter (10/19/2021)

Liebe @FESonline, lieber @vorwaerts, liebe @spdde: Vielleicht können wir das Erbe dieses Gebäudes irgendwie weiter… https://t.co/OXWymmHwej

— mrvn!????? (kliem_ma) 10/19/2021
Friedrich Ebert Foundation Twitter (10/19/2021)

Min aung Hlaing + criminal generals are cheating his own troops #TDM Using Technology to Preserve Military Loyalty:… https://t.co/5AbIQsclNi

— Snowleopard (Snowleo12581457) 10/19/2021
Carnegie Twitter (10/19/2021)

#Iran’s State Media:Social&Economic Crises Are Countdowns to Uprisings #Poverty,#CORRUPTION,#COVID19,… https://t.co/H8tkWcZW7d

— Nemat Ma (Hadiroshan7) 10/19/2021
Nemat Ma
FT Economics Twitter (10/19/2021)

1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-148

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