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International Affairs Forum
IAF Editorials: Economics

31-60 IAF Editorials articles displayed
for the Economics Topic

Japan - A Quiet Geo-Economic Giant
Japan - A Quiet Geo-Economic Giant

The state of Japan and prospects moving ahead. By Dr. Masahiro Matsumara. (04/06/2019)


Mississippi Blues Aren’t Music, They’re Trade Deficits
Mississippi Blues Aren’t Music, They’re Trade Deficits

The China-American trade war is pounding Mississippi's economy and farmers. By Anne Allen Hodge. (01/16/2019)


From Vicious Cycle to the American Dream: Sect 201 of the American Housing and Economic Mobility Act
From Vicious Cycle to the American Dream: Sect 201 of the American Housing and Economic Mobility Act

Section 201 of the American Housing and Economic Mobility Act of 2018 is an important and necessary step forward. By April Xiaoyi Xu. (11/26/2018)


MCC 2.0: A new approach to take America's premier global development agency through and beyond 2020
MCC 2.0: A new approach to take America's premier global development agency through and beyond 2020

A vision of MCC 2.0 that represents an approach to practically reorient the agency toward greater relevance and effectiveness. By Mumukshu Patel. (02/27/2018)


Foreign Aid: 8 Bucks or 80 Cents a Benjamin?
Foreign Aid: 8 Bucks or 80 Cents a Benjamin?

What are the real numbers for US foreign aid and what do they mean? By Mitali Patel. (11/20/2017)


The Good Old Hockey Game – Canada needs to change its defensive strategy
The Good Old Hockey Game – Canada needs to change its defensive strategy

Is Trudeau's trade policy with its NAFTA partners in trouble? By Dr. Bruce Mabley. (11/06/2017)


The Return of Good Policies for Bad Reasons: Populism and Industrial Policy
The Return of Good Policies for Bad Reasons: Populism and Industrial Policy

In a world where people are disillusioned by the status quo, can industrial policy present alternatives that re-empower governments to mold and direct their economies?  By Amanda Janoo. (... Read More...

The Demise of NAFTA – Canada’s Silver Lining
The Demise of NAFTA – Canada’s Silver Lining

What's the fallout in Canada from recent NAFTA rumblings from President Trump? By Dr. Bruce Mabley. (05/04/2017)


Paging Gov. Beasley: Will the World Food Program face a famine or flourish under American budget cut
Paging Gov. Beasley: Will the World Food Program face a famine or flourish under American budget cut

The WFP needs to flourish in these trying times to control world hunger and thirst. New Executive Director Gov. David Beasley needs to do just that. By M. Patel. (03/29/2017)


Let’s shatter the glass ceiling for women in global banking
Let’s shatter the glass ceiling for women in global banking

On this International Women’s Day, we can start to begin the end of male dominance of MDBs: let’s shatter the glass ceiling for women in global MBD banking. By M. Patel. (03/08/2017)Read More...

The Future of Free Trade between Canada and U.S.?
The Future of Free Trade between Canada and U.S.?

What is the future of trade relations between Canada and the U.S.? By Valerie Kiefer. (11/15/2016)


External Article
Better Yielding, Better Living: Sustainable Agricultural Productivity in the 2030 agenda

Food production must be doubled to feed a global population of nine billion by 2050. Author presents efforts needed to meet that goal. By Mumukshu Patel. (10/07/2015)


Time to Create a Global Effort to Reduce Remittance Costs
Time to Create a Global Effort to Reduce Remittance Costs

Reducing remittance costs should be undertaken to facilitate global development.  By Eliel Stenstrom. (06/01/2016)


Currency Dictatorship – the struggle to end it
Currency Dictatorship – the struggle to end it

Authro aruges India and the BRICS are giving the US dollar the boot. By Rakesh Krishan Simha. (01/22/2016)



Some Applications of Non Equilibrium Thermodynamics Thinking  to Current  Geopolitical Issues
Some Applications of Non Equilibrium Thermodynamics Thinking to Current Geopolitical Issues

In recent decades, there has been a development of several related concepts, some under the category of thermodynamics, which may be applied, to some degree, to the current geopolitical scene. ... Read More...

The Future of Turkey after the Last Elections: the Kurdish question and the economic outlook
The Future of Turkey after the Last Elections: the Kurdish question and the economic outlook

Where does Turkey stand after its last parliamentary elections?  By Diego Del Priore. (moderndiplomacy.eu, 07/29/2015)


Europe – Syriza-ize or Syria-nize
Europe – Syriza-ize or Syria-nize

Europe and the Greek criis.  By Prof. Anis H. Bajrektarevic. (07/12/2015)


An Utopic Denouement for the Venezuelan Crisis
An Utopic Denouement for the Venezuelan Crisis

What's the state of Venezuela's economy and where is it going?  By Robson Coelho Cardoch Valdez.  (07/08/2015)


Please Don´t Stop the Music: How the Latin American Economy Skipped a Beat
Please Don´t Stop the Music: How the Latin American Economy Skipped a Beat

The Latin economy's sustained growth has stopped.  What's next?  By José Luis Alvarado Valenzuela. (07/08/2015)


Zeman-Putin: bonded by business
Zeman-Putin: bonded by business

What can be taken from Czech President Milosh Zeman's recent statement about Russia? By Georgii Kukhaleishvili. (05/25/2015)


'Authoritarian Capitalism' – Where and How Workable, Long Term?
'Authoritarian Capitalism' – Where and How Workable, Long Term?

Does capitalism flourish in both democratic and authoritarian regimes?  By Jack Pearce.  (04/25/2015)


Japan de-escalates the Senkaku-Diaoyu dispute
Japan de-escalates the Senkaku-Diaoyu dispute

As the APEC meeting approaches, Japan has backed off its stance on the Senkaku-Diaoyu dispute.  By Mikala Sorenson.  (Global Risk InsightsRead More...

Will outside conflict hurt Poland’s economic growth?
Will outside conflict hurt Poland’s economic growth?

Analysis of the effect of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on the Polish economy.  By Brian Daigle (10/22/2014, Read More...

The Northern Sea Route: Passage to a Sea of Opportunities
The Northern Sea Route: Passage to a Sea of Opportunities

What are the advantages and challenges of a Northern Sea Route?  Plenty, says author. By Ajay Anil Cherian .(10/13/2014)


Europe – the letzte Mensch or Übermensch, the new Byzantium or declining Rome
Europe – the letzte Mensch or Übermensch, the new Byzantium or declining Rome

The recently released IMF’s World Economic Outlook brings discouraging news for many. What does it mean the Europe?  By Prof. Anis H. Bajrektarevic. (10/10/2014)


Will Modi's India Reinvent International Relations?
Will Modi's India Reinvent International Relations?

Cleo Paskal analyzes Prime Minister Modi's opportunity to reshape India's foreign policy.  (Huffington Post, 06/05/2014)


India-Pakistan Detente: Positive Note
India-Pakistan Detente: Positive Note

Do recent events point to an unflawing for Indian-Pakistan relations? By Dr. Kashi N Pandita. (01/24/2014)


El Indio: The French Pivot
El Indio: The French Pivot
The French pivot to ASEAN could be the start of a grand interregional enterprise that leads the EU. By Jamil Maidan Flores. (09/12/2013) Read More...

The Rise of BRIC: Too Soon to Make Assumptions
The Rise of BRIC: Too Soon to Make Assumptions
Do the BRIC countries still present a global power shift? Will they? By Zachary K. Ochoa. (07/13/2013) Read More...

How to Deal with the Chinese Exchange Rate
How to Deal with the Chinese Exchange Rate
How should the U.S. effectively deal with the Chinese exchange rate? By Dr. David A. Phillips. (08/13/2012) Read More...

1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-100

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