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International Affairs Forum
IAF Articles

991-1020 IAF Articles articles displayed

Children at the Border: Refugees from the Drug War?
Children at the Border: Refugees from the Drug War?

Analysis of problems faced by children immigrating to the US as a result of the Drug War.  By Dr. Lynn Holland.  (07/08/2014)


Nuclear Security: A Casualty of Moscow’s Involvement in Ukraine
Nuclear Security: A Casualty of Moscow’s Involvement in Ukraine

Where does the nuclear situation lie in Russia now?  An analysis. By Elizabeth Zolotukhina (07/08/2014)


EU = SU² - An ahistorical enterprise?
EU = SU² - An ahistorical enterprise?

Did Europe change (after its own 9/11), or it only became more itself?  By Prof. Anis H. Bajrektarevic (06/30/2014)


IA Forum Interview: Ewa Wojkowska & Toshi Nakamura (Kopernik)
IA Forum Interview: Ewa Wojkowska & Toshi Nakamura (Kopernik)

IA Forum interview with Co-Founders of Kopernik, organization that introduces technologies and creates micro-business opportunities in remote communities. &... Read More...

Piracy: Can the War on the Seas Ever Be Won?
Piracy: Can the War on the Seas Ever Be Won?

The current state solution models, focusing on military deterrence, have proven questionably effective in combating piracy, merely displacing it more than solving it.  By Sgt. Sebastian J... Read More...

In the Pursuit of Strategic Stability
In the Pursuit of Strategic Stability

Improving strategic stability in South Asia through multilateral cooperation is imperative for improving standards of living across the region. By Davis Florick. (06/25/2014)


Neutralize Yasukuni Visits: A Step towards Resolving  the Yasukuni Controversy
Neutralize Yasukuni Visits: A Step towards Resolving the Yasukuni Controversy

Paper explores the Yasukuni Controversy between Japan and China and proposes steps to resolve the dispute. By Mengjia Wan (06/18/2014)


Should China Declare a War On Terror?
Should China Declare a War On Terror?

China is experiencing a growing number of terrorists incidents.  How should it respond? By Barclay Bram Shoemaker. (06/17/2014)


International Trade and Environment: a paradoxical but complementary subject
International Trade and Environment: a paradoxical but complementary subject

Author discusses how international trade and environmental issues complement each other.  By Patricia Galves Derolle.  (06/17/2014)


Start-Up Chile: A Critical Analysis
Start-Up Chile: A Critical Analysis

Paper analyzes Chile's Start-Up Chile (SUC) program, designed to foster entrepreneur development. By David Feige. (06/12/2014)


Foreign Civilian Women Working In War Zones: The Good, Bad and Ugly
Foreign Civilian Women Working In War Zones: The Good, Bad and Ugly

A look at challenges foreign civilian women face in war zones.  By Jade Wu (06/13/2014)


Institutional Stability, Foreign Investor Preference, and China's Inward FDI
Institutional Stability, Foreign Investor Preference, and China's Inward FDI

Paper provides analysis of China's 1992 FDI surge.  By Nick Taber.  (06/04/2014)


From Front to Back: Changes in American Policy on Striking Libya between Reagan and Obama
From Front to Back: Changes in American Policy on Striking Libya between Reagan and Obama

Paper presents a historical look at responses against Libya by Presidents Reagan and Obama.  By Julian Newton Weiss (05/28/2014


IA Forum Student Writing Award Winners Announced
IA Forum Student Writing Award Winners Announced

Winners of the Spring 2014 International Affairs Student Award Competition announced!


Interview: Professor Haroon Bhorat - South African Economy
Interview: Professor Haroon Bhorat - South African Economy

From IA-Forum's biannual publication, Professor Haroon Bhorat discusses the South African economy and the BRICS.  


What Iran Wins by Fighting in Syria
What Iran Wins by Fighting in Syria

Is Islamic Republic of Iran the greatest loser in the Syria conflict...or not?   By Mohammed Nuruzzaman (04/29/2014)


The Caspian 5 and Arctic 5 – Critical Similiarities
The Caspian 5 and Arctic 5 – Critical Similiarities

What geopolitical issues surround the Caspian and Arctic Seas? By Prof. Anis H. Bajrektarevic. (/04/22/2014)


Student Award Compeition Finalists Announced
Student Award Compeition Finalists Announced

Finalists for the International Affairs Spring 2014 Student Award Competition have been announced.  Winners will be published in the next issue of International Affairs Forum (Taylor and Franc... Read More...

Dr. Yuri V. Urbanovich discusses Russia, Ukraine in IA Forum Interview
Dr. Yuri V. Urbanovich discusses Russia, Ukraine in IA Forum Interview

Interview with Dr. Yuri V. Urbanovich.who provides analyis of the crisis in Ukraine, Crimea, and Russia.  By Adriana Stephan. (04/16/2014)


IA Forum Interview: Carlotta Gall, NY Times
IA Forum Interview: Carlotta Gall, NY Times

IA-Forum interviews NYT’s reporter, Carlotta Gall, on her new book, The Wrong Enemy, and her thirteen years of reporting on Afghanistan, Pakistan, and North Africa. By Cynthia Iris (04/14/020... Read More...

What You Measure is What You’ll Get
What You Measure is What You’ll Get

A look at economic metrics and understanding how to use them in analysis of countries. By Anuradha Kataria. (04/07/2014)


Hell on Earth: The Use of Drones in Pakistan and the Socio-Economic and Psychological Issues
Hell on Earth: The Use of Drones in Pakistan and the Socio-Economic and Psychological Issues

Paper explores impact on the everyday life of broader populations that live through the trauma of drones.  By Mahmood Ahmad. (04/04/2014)


Malaysian Boeing 777 Accident
Malaysian Boeing 777 Accident

Aviation General Blagoje Grahovac, member of the Advisory Board of the IFIMES International Institute, analyzes recent disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777. (03/24/2014


Gulf Arab Monarchs and the Unfinished Arab Spring
Gulf Arab Monarchs and the Unfinished Arab Spring

Analysis of Saudi and Qatari actions related to the Arab Spring and recent developments stemming from it.  By: Dr. Mohammed Nuruzzaman.  (03/26/2014)


The Market for War
The Market for War

An analysis of Private Military Contractors and risks associated with them.  By Barclay Bram Shoemaker. (03/18/2014)


Indonesia: Elections 2014
Indonesia: Elections 2014

Author provide analysis of Indonesian Presidential candidates and their parties. By Igor Dirgantara. (03/10/2014)


The Foreign & Local Factions in the Syrian Conflict
The Foreign & Local Factions in the Syrian Conflict

Analysis of the factions involved in the Syrian Civil War.  By Mohammed Salama. (03/08/2014)


Interview with Winston Harris: The Syrian Kurds Situation
Interview with Winston Harris: The Syrian Kurds Situation

Analyst Winston Harris provides insight about the Syrian Kurds, their current situation, and prospects for the future. (03/04/2014)


Why the Syrian Conflict Defies Political Solutions
Why the Syrian Conflict Defies Political Solutions

The Syrian War presents a myriad of actors and intererest, making a peaceful solution difficult.  By Dr. Mohammed Nuruzzaman.  (03/04/2014)


Mineral traceability and conflict in eastern DRC: the case of the “Conflict-Free Tin Initiative”
Mineral traceability and conflict in eastern DRC: the case of the “Conflict-Free Tin Initiative”

Paper analyzes the Conflict-Free Tin Initiative and whether traceability provided by it will provide positive results. By Dr. Edoardo Monaco. (02/13/2014)


1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-150 | 151-180 | 181-210 | 211-240 | 241-270 | 271-300 | 301-330 | 331-360 | 361-390 | 391-420 | 421-450 | 451-480 | 481-510 | 511-540 | 541-570 | 571-600 | 601-630 | 631-660 | 661-690 | 691-720 | 721-750 | 751-780 | 781-810 | 811-840 | 841-870 | 871-900 | 901-930 | 931-960 | 961-990 | 991-1020 | 1021-1050 | 1051-1080 | 1081-1110 | 1111-1140 | 1141-1170 | 1171-1200 | 1201-1230 | 1231-1260 | 1261-1290 | 1291-1320 | 1321-1350 | 1351-1380 | 1381-1410 | 1411-1440 | 1441-1458

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