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International Affairs Forum
IAF Articles: Europe

391-420 IAF Articles articles displayed
for the Europe Region

EU Court and Greek Elections May Block QE from the ECB
EU Court and Greek Elections May Block QE from the ECB

Will the ECB’s meeting on January 22nd will offer more than just talk from the bank or will Eurozone politics will get in the way? .By Luke Lott. (Read More...

Human Rights Violations Inside EU
Human Rights Violations Inside EU

Is the EU hypocritical concerning human rights? By H.E. Dr. Walter Schwimmer. (Modern Diplomacy, 01/20/2015)


A Critical Assessment of the Impact of EU Membership on British Sovereignty
A Critical Assessment of the Impact of EU Membership on British Sovereignty

Paper explores positives and negatives about EU membership on British sovereignty. By Anna Roininen. (01/08/2015)


The New EU Voting System – the Old West-East North-South Division
The New EU Voting System – the Old West-East North-South Division

Paper analyzes Visegrad countries’ economic policies and general EU-policies. By Prof. Attila Marján. (12/31/2014)


GRI Weekly Risk Outlook - December 22, 2014
GRI Weekly Risk Outlook - December 22, 2014

New U.S. consumer sentiment data to keep improving. Central Banks in Armenia and Turkey to deal with rouble and Fed policy. Second round of voting in Greek presidential elections. (Read More...

EU-China Trade Hampered by EU Divisions
EU-China Trade Hampered by EU Divisions

The unbalanced China-EU business relationship can be seen as the outcome of a divided EU and an opportunistic China. But there is scope for improvement. By Nicolas Jenny. (Read More...

IA Forum Interview: Scott Hickie discusses health corruption
IA Forum Interview: Scott Hickie discusses health corruption

IA Forum interview with Scott Hickie (Senior Analyst, Open Brieifing) who diiscusses corruption in the health sector.  Interview by Madison J. Myers.  (12/19/2014)


Kazakhstan Becomes Centrepiece in Eurasian Diplomacy
Kazakhstan Becomes Centrepiece in Eurasian Diplomacy

In a phase of declining oil prices and economic storm in neighbouring Russia, Kazakhstan has engaged in intense diplomatic activity with the West and other Central Asian countries. By Dr. Ernesto G... Read More...

Mediterranean Energy Alliances Isolate Turkey
Mediterranean Energy Alliances Isolate Turkey

The discovery of hydrocarbons has altered the geopolitical situation in the Eastern Mediterranean, leading to the formation of new alliances that leave Turkey out of the game. By Evita Souri. ... Read More...

25 years after 9/11 – How many Germanies should Europe have?
25 years after 9/11 – How many Germanies should Europe have?

Europe, Germany, and Yugolslavia before and after the fall of the Berlin wall.  By Prof. Prof. Anis H. Bajrektarevic. (11/16/2014)


Cyber-Terrorism: Fact or Fiction?
Cyber-Terrorism: Fact or Fiction?

Author argues cyber-terrorism remains more a product of fear mongering than concrete reality –– at least for the moment. By Sebastian J. Bae. (07/22/2014)


Nuclear Security: A Casualty of Moscow’s Involvement in Ukraine
Nuclear Security: A Casualty of Moscow’s Involvement in Ukraine

Where does the nuclear situation lie in Russia now?  An analysis. By Elizabeth Zolotukhina (07/08/2014)


EU = SU² - An ahistorical enterprise?
EU = SU² - An ahistorical enterprise?

Did Europe change (after its own 9/11), or it only became more itself?  By Prof. Anis H. Bajrektarevic (06/30/2014)


Piracy: Can the War on the Seas Ever Be Won?
Piracy: Can the War on the Seas Ever Be Won?

The current state solution models, focusing on military deterrence, have proven questionably effective in combating piracy, merely displacing it more than solving it.  By Sgt. Sebastian J... Read More...

IA Forum Student Writing Award Winners Announced
IA Forum Student Writing Award Winners Announced

Winners of the Spring 2014 International Affairs Student Award Competition announced!


The Caspian 5 and Arctic 5 – Critical Similiarities
The Caspian 5 and Arctic 5 – Critical Similiarities

What geopolitical issues surround the Caspian and Arctic Seas? By Prof. Anis H. Bajrektarevic. (/04/22/2014)


Dr. Yuri V. Urbanovich discusses Russia, Ukraine in IA Forum Interview
Dr. Yuri V. Urbanovich discusses Russia, Ukraine in IA Forum Interview

Interview with Dr. Yuri V. Urbanovich.who provides analyis of the crisis in Ukraine, Crimea, and Russia.  By Adriana Stephan. (04/16/2014)


What You Measure is What You’ll Get
What You Measure is What You’ll Get

A look at economic metrics and understanding how to use them in analysis of countries. By Anuradha Kataria. (04/07/2014)


Climate Change and Reinsurance: The Human Security Issue
Climate Change and Reinsurance: The Human Security Issue

Paper analyzes the effects of climate change on reiinsurance and human security issues. By Prof. Anis Bajrektarevic & Carla Baumer. (02/10/2014)


Interview: Stephen D. Krasner, Stanford University
Interview: Stephen D. Krasner, Stanford University

Interview with Stephen D. Krasner who discusses International Regimes and UN Security Council Reforms. By Patricia Galves Derolle.


Armenia from a Foreign Policy of “Complementarity” to “Supplementarity”? A Sandwich Story!
Armenia from a Foreign Policy of “Complementarity” to “Supplementarity”? A Sandwich Story!

Armenia's foreign policy sees itself sandwiched between the EU and Russia. Author presents analysis of this situation and state Armenia's policy. By Dr. Syuzanna Vasilyan. (01/15/2014)


Now Available: International Affairs Forum - Winter Edition
Now Available: International Affairs Forum - Winter Edition

Our latest edition of International Affairs Forum (Taylor and Francis) is now available. This issue focuses on the BRICS countries and the impact of social media on governance.


New Issue of International Affairs Forum: Professor Robert M. Stern, Goldman School, UC-Berkeley
New Issue of International Affairs Forum: Professor Robert M. Stern, Goldman School, UC-Berkeley

A look inside the latest issue of International Affairs Forum (Taylor&Francis), an interview with Professor Emeritus Robert M. Stern. (International Affairs Forum, 01/2014)


New Issue of International Affairs Forum: Interview with Metodi Zajkov (Transparency International –
New Issue of International Affairs Forum: Interview with Metodi Zajkov (Transparency International –

In this look inside the latest issue of International Affairs Forum (Taylor&Francis), an interview with Metodi Zajkov, Transparency International – Macedonia. (International Aff... Read More...

20 Years to Trade Economic Independence for Political Sovereignty
20 Years to Trade Economic Independence for Political Sovereignty
How has the well-being of Latvia changed in the 20 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union? By Eva Maurina. (12/18/2013) Read More...

Critical Similarities and Differences in SS of Asia and Europe
Critical Similarities and Differences in SS of Asia and Europe
Policy paper offers several policy incentives why the largest world’s continent must consider creation of the comprehensive pan-Asian institution. By Prof. Anis H. Bajrektarevic. (05/02/2013) Read More...

Information on Anti-Corruption Program in Macedonia
Information on Anti-Corruption Program in Macedonia
Information sheet on joint Transparency International and Center for International Relations anti-corruption effort, Transparency Watch. Read More...

Libya after Qaddafi: Europe’s Looming Challenge
Libya after Qaddafi: Europe’s Looming Challenge
Authors examine NATO involvement in the Libyan crisis and call for an EU led peacekeeping effort in a post-Qaddafi Libya. By Leo Michel and Ambassador (Ret) John Herbst. (07/15/2011, first appeared i... Read More...

IA Forum Interview: Dr. Joseph E. Gagnon
IA Forum Interview: Dr. Joseph E. Gagnon
IA Forum discusses policies of the Fed and ECB as they look to address complexities of economic recovery with Dr. Joseph E. Gagnon, Peterson Institute of International Economics. (07/28/2011) Read More...

IA-Forum Interview: Dr. Michael Werz
IA-Forum Interview: Dr. Michael Werz
IA Forum speaks with Dr. Michael Werz (Center for American Progress) about EU security issues including their involvement in Libya and the impacts of Turkey. (07/28/2011) Read More...

1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-150 | 151-180 | 181-210 | 211-240 | 241-270 | 271-300 | 301-330 | 331-360 | 361-390 | 391-420 | 421-445

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