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International Affairs Forum
IAF Articles

1051-1080 IAF Articles articles displayed

Challenges of Cooperation in Asia-Pacific Region: Highlighting Some Probabilities
Challenges of Cooperation in Asia-Pacific Region: Highlighting Some Probabilities
Security challenges facing the Asia-Pacific countries and prospects for cooperation. By Ramzi Bendebka. (02/01/2013) Read More...

Air Diplomacy: Engaging China
Air Diplomacy: Engaging China
Can air diplomacy diminish the distrust and suspicion that currently permeates Sino-American relations? Adam B. Lowther and Guocheng Jiang. (01/11/2013) Read More...

Rise of Political Islam in Turkey and its Effects on Turkish-Syrian Relations
Rise of Political Islam in Turkey and its Effects on Turkish-Syrian Relations
Paper explores the rise of political Islam in the last two decades in Turkey and its effects on Turkish Syrian relations. By Saffet Akkaya. (11/27/2012) Read More...

Would A More Catholic United States Better Cope With the Impending Geopolitical Shift of Power?
Would A More Catholic United States Better Cope With the Impending Geopolitical Shift of Power?
Is there a mounting influence of Catholics and Catholicism in the American political landscape? By Manlio Graziano. (11/08/2012) Read More...

U.S. Policy on Syria from the Perspective of Refugee Security and Regional Stability
U.S. Policy on Syria from the Perspective of Refugee Security and Regional Stability
What does the Syrian confict mean for its refugees and regional stability? By Dr. Christos Kyrou. (09/20/2012) Read More...

Towards a Geopolitics of Democracy
Towards a Geopolitics of Democracy
Is it possible to speak of the “geopolitics of democracy”? An analysis. By Manlio Graziano. (08/03/2012) Read More...

Bombing Iran's Nuclear Enrichment Facilities
Bombing Iran's Nuclear Enrichment Facilities
A skeptical look at intervention scenarios to thwart the Iranian nuclear program. By Marvin Baker Schaffer (07/30/2012) Read More...

China, Asia, and the American Pivot
China, Asia, and the American Pivot
Author analyzes Obama administration's 'pivot' on Sino-US policy, its impacts, and Mitt Romney's alternative policy. By Prof. Lowell Dittmer. (07/31/2012) Read More...

The Return of Dr. Strangelove: How austerity makes us stop worrying and love the bomb…and cyber war
The Return of Dr. Strangelove: How austerity makes us stop worrying and love the bomb…and cyber war
What does the future hold for effective deterrence policy? By Jan Kallberg and Adam Lowther. (07/25/2012) Read More...

PDF document
American Foreign Policy Recommendations Concerning Islamic States

Author critiques US foreign policy regarding Islamic states and offers recommendations for improving relations. By Timothy Aderman. (07/16/2012)


Impoverished to Ravenous – 21st Century China and Sustainable Development
Impoverished to Ravenous – 21st Century China and Sustainable Development
Author examines impacts of development on China's sustainable development needs. By Anuradha Kataria. (07/19/2012) Read More...

The Forum - Summer 2012 Issue - China
The Forum - Summer 2012 Issue - China
In our latest issue of The Forum, experts discuss China's ambitions and worldview, security policy, and exchange rate issue. (06/28/2012) Read More...

Greece as a Failed State and Regional Security: Why the US should be looking closer
Greece as a Failed State and Regional Security: Why the US should be looking closer
Paper discusses importance of Agean Sea security and impacts from a failed Greek state. By Dr. Christos Kyrou. (06/12/2012) Read More...

Delivering on the Commitments and Pledges of Afghanistan Conferences
Delivering on the Commitments and Pledges of Afghanistan Conferences
Analysis of recent conference, Afghanistan and the International Community. Can commitments and agreements with Afghanistan deliver as promised? By M. Ashraf Haidari (05/24/2012) Read More...

Chinese Exchange rate, the US current account deficit, and the Global imbalance
Chinese Exchange rate, the US current account deficit, and the Global imbalance
Authors analyze the Chinese exhange rate, US current account deficit, and consideration of a more aligned and flexible RMB exchange rate. By Dr. Jinzhao Chen and Dr. Xingwang Read More...

China’s Security Policy in Africa and the Western Indian Ocean
China’s Security Policy in Africa and the Western Indian Ocean
Former Ambassador David H. Shinn looks at Chinese security policy developments in Africa and the western Indian Ocean. By David H. Shinn. (05/01/2012) Read More...

Is the Implementation of the Greater Middle East Project Temporarily Frozen?
Is the Implementation of the Greater Middle East Project Temporarily Frozen?
Has the Greater Middle East Project become unmanageble? Is there hope to save it? Author discusses in this paper. By Evgenia Tairyan. (05/10/2012) Read More...

Ways Forward in Global Counterterrorism
Ways Forward in Global Counterterrorism
Analysis of global counterterrorism efforts and steps forward, arguing we need to refocus our collective efforts away from the 'state of security' towards the 'conditions of security'. By Cornelia Be... Read More...

No Asian Century without the pan-Asian Institution
No Asian Century without the pan-Asian Institution
Author offers several policy incentives why the largest world’s continent must consider creation of the comprehensive pan-Asian institution. By Dr. Anis Bajrektarevic. (04/02/2012) Read More...

Information on Anti-Corruption Program in Macedonia
Information on Anti-Corruption Program in Macedonia
Information sheet on joint Transparency International and Center for International Relations anti-corruption effort, Transparency Watch. Read More...

Lessons from Incipient Civic Movements in the Broader Middle East
Lessons from Incipient Civic Movements in the Broader Middle East
Authors introduce analytical framework of 'incipient societies' to shed light on the so-called “Arab Spring”. It provides recommendations and suggestions, as well as areas of future consideration. By ... Read More...

Mainstreaming Gender into Development Projects
Mainstreaming Gender into Development Projects
Paper discussing the consequence of leaving women out and practical requirements for success. By Dr. Elizabeth Armstrong-Mensah. (02/16/2012) Read More...

IA Forum Interview: Dr. Mohammed Abu-Nimer
IA Forum Interview: Dr. Mohammed Abu-Nimer
IA Forum speaks with Dr. Mohammed Abu-Nimber (American Univ.) about U.S. policy response to the Arab Spring and a look ahead at post-Arab Spring relations. (02/17/2012) Read More...

Why the Kyoto Mechanism Fails Again?
Why the Kyoto Mechanism Fails Again?
Paper abstract: After a lot of hot air, the disillusioning epilogue of the Arab Facebook revolutions is more firearms and less confidence residing in the region, and a higher (moral, economic and poli... Read More...

Go Home, Occupy Movement!!
Go Home, Occupy Movement!!
Author asks: If humans hardly ever question fetishisation or oppose the (self-) trivialization, why then is the subsequent brutalization a surprise to them? By Dr. Anis H. Bajrektarevic. (1/26/2012) Read More...

Continuity and Change: Hegemonic Governance in International Relations
Continuity and Change: Hegemonic Governance in International Relations
Paper that analyzes hegemonic governance and the role of dominance and power in the role of global governance. By Dr. Cornelia Beyer. (01/10/2012) Read More...

PDF document
Made in China, the End of Western Dominance?
Paper that explores the decline of the West and the emergence of the BRICs economies. In this essay, I tend to focus on the role of technological innovation and democracy to (former/current/emerging) ... Read More...

IA Forum Interview: Patrick Corcoran
IA Forum Interview: Patrick Corcoran
IA Forum discusses the Arab Spring and perceptions about democracy with Patrick Corcoran (Catholic University). By Caitlin Occipinti. (08/18/2011) Read More...

Libya after Qaddafi: Europe’s Looming Challenge
Libya after Qaddafi: Europe’s Looming Challenge
Authors examine NATO involvement in the Libyan crisis and call for an EU led peacekeeping effort in a post-Qaddafi Libya. By Leo Michel and Ambassador (Ret) John Herbst. (07/15/2011, first appeared i... Read More...

IA Forum Interview: Dr. Joseph E. Gagnon
IA Forum Interview: Dr. Joseph E. Gagnon
IA Forum discusses policies of the Fed and ECB as they look to address complexities of economic recovery with Dr. Joseph E. Gagnon, Peterson Institute of International Economics. (07/28/2011) Read More...

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