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International Affairs Forum
IAF Editorials: Hotspots

61-90 IAF Editorials articles displayed
for the Hotspots Topic

Boogaloo Bois and al-Hashd al-Shaabi: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Boogaloo Bois and al-Hashd al-Shaabi: Two Sides of the Same Coin

Examining commonalities between insurgent forces and U.S. far-right groups.  What are the effects on each state?  By Blake Vieira. (10/12/2020)


China is changing its strategy towards U.S. sanctions
China is changing its strategy towards U.S. sanctions

Trump bans TikTok and WeChat but Beijing no longer retaliates against U.S. companies.  By Dr. Tao Peng. (09/25/2020)


Can the BLM movement be equated with China’s Cultural Revolution?
Can the BLM movement be equated with China’s Cultural Revolution?

Analyzing parallels between the Black Lives Matter movement to the Cultural Movement. By Dr. Tao Peng. (07/15/2020)


The Untapped Resource In The MENA Region
The Untapped Resource In The MENA Region

Author analyzes the current situation for women in the MENA region, focusing on women's employment gap, and suggests ways to empower women both in the workplace and politics.  By Fati... Read More...

Iron Fist for Pacific East
Iron Fist for Pacific East

A recap of Sino-Far East/Pacific relations to understand possible epilogue and outcomes of the C-19 crisis. By Stephen R. Nagy.  (06/09/2020)


After four months of Hariri’s stepdown, Lebanon's Revolution: A Revolution of Counter-Productivity
After four months of Hariri’s stepdown, Lebanon's Revolution: A Revolution of Counter-Productivity

What have been the real impacts of the Lebanese revolutionary movement?  By Omar S. Abdellatif. (06/09/2020)


Necessary but Ill-timed: the ICC Investigation into the Afghanistan Situation
Necessary but Ill-timed: the ICC Investigation into the Afghanistan Situation

Author analyzes and critiqus recent ICC authorization to investigate war crimes and crimes against humanity in Afghanistan. By Faith Fisher. (06/01/2020)


Controlling Coronavirus and Egypt’s Government
Controlling Coronavirus and Egypt’s Government

Controlling power in Egypt during the COVID-19 crisis.  By Maria Ahmed. (05/21/2020)


Removing Assad
Removing Assad

What are the implications of removing the Assad government in Syria?  By Shannon Sutherland. (05/18/2020)


Could the New Four Trillion Stimulus Plan Save China's Economy after the COVID-19 disaster?
Could the New Four Trillion Stimulus Plan Save China's Economy after the COVID-19 disaster?

Will China's new round of economic stimulus repeat the "Four Trillions" plan of 2008 and how much it will boost China‘s economy in its search to recover from the coronavirus cri... Read More...

Soleimani’s assassination triggers US-Iran standoff
Soleimani’s assassination triggers US-Iran standoff

A precarious situation in the Middle East between the United States and Iran. By Malik Ayub Sumba. (01/07/2020)


Is the Balkans splitting the EU apart?
Is the Balkans splitting the EU apart?

The EU's recent foreign policy move, which came as a rift between the French and German foreign policy positions, is widening. By Pyotr Iskenderov. (10/29/2019)


“Transparent war” against ghosts of war
“Transparent war” against ghosts of war

War and the battle of disinformation in the Syrian conflict.  By Theodor Zima. (10/18/2019)


It is Time for A Gulf Area Peace Conference
It is Time for A Gulf Area Peace Conference

Recent events in the Middle East are a call for a Persian Gulf area peace conference to happen soon.  By Jack Pearce. (09/17/2019)


Why Russia Matters to India
Why Russia Matters to India

Indo-Russian bilateral relations are embedded in a history of mutual trust and compatibility of mutual interests. India’s strategic relations with Russia are not based only on speculative pro... Read More...

Making a Meal out of a Mess
Making a Meal out of a Mess

The U.S. ended participation in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and then tried to cut off Iran’s access to the international oil market.  So, what's the next step to fix the s... Read More...

Kashmir Bleeds but the World Sleeps
Kashmir Bleeds but the World Sleeps

The democratic rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) have been violated. By Hashim Raza. (08/14/2019)


The Sino-US Trade War – Why China Cannot Win It
The Sino-US Trade War – Why China Cannot Win It

The Chinese-American trade war holds little promise for China.  By Prof. Anis H. Bajrektarevic. (03/31/2019)


Zarif’s Sudden Resignation
Zarif’s Sudden Resignation

The beginning of the militarization of Iranian diplomacy?  By Bakhtyar Aljaf. (03/06/2019)


The ‘Great Wall of Sand’ is Just the Beginning
The ‘Great Wall of Sand’ is Just the Beginning

Rising risks associated with the expansion of small islands and reefs in the South China Sea into sprawling Chinese military assets. (12/28/2018)


The Dutch Model for Change
The Dutch Model for Change

How true leadership with regard to climate change may have an outstanding impact on the Asian world. By Dr. Wolfram Kalt. (07/31/2018)


How US- North Korean Diplomacy Should Have Really Worked
How US- North Korean Diplomacy Should Have Really Worked

Making the summit counterfactual case. By Carlos Ramirez. (07/02/2018)


Kosovo Ghost Court Delays Justice to Victims and Their Families
Kosovo Ghost Court Delays Justice to Victims and Their Families

Tragedy and inaction follows war crimes court, Specialist Chamber and Specialist Prosecutor’s Office, in prosecuting members of the KLA. By Judge Dean B. Pineles. (04/26/2018)


Maybe What Saudi Arabia Needs is a Royal Buyout
Maybe What Saudi Arabia Needs is a Royal Buyout

Would a buyout of the Royal Family benefit Saudi Arabia? By Jack Pearce. (04/25/2018)


The Afghanistan Conflict and Future Prospects of Peace: A Brief Analysis
The Afghanistan Conflict and Future Prospects of Peace: A Brief Analysis

Over the last few months, the tectonic plates of the Afghanistan conflict have shown signs of movement, with the latest being an offer from President Ghani to recognize the Taliban as a political p... Read More...

The European Commission's Strategy for the Western Balkans: Bureaucrats' Crusade
The European Commission's Strategy for the Western Balkans: Bureaucrats' Crusade

Whatt's the reality for the European Commission's target date of 2025 for some of the Balkan countries to join? By Prof. Zlatko Hadžidedic. (02/17/2018)


Change and Violence in Saudi Arabia
Change and Violence in Saudi Arabia

In view of Saudi Arabia's recent economic and ideological actions, what does the future hold in store for The Kingdom?.  By Nathir Haimoun. (01/24/2018)


The Fallout pf President Trump’s Decision
The Fallout pf President Trump’s Decision

What are the ramificaitons of President Trump's to recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. By Dr. Sohail Mahmood. (12/11/2017)


Two angry children with lit matches on the brink of causing destruction
Two angry children with lit matches on the brink of causing destruction

Looking at the U.S.-North Korea nuclear situation. By Tahi Izumi. (10/30/2017)


Trump’s Iran Policy Only Hurts the US
Trump’s Iran Policy Only Hurts the US

The dangers in decertifying the Iranian deal.  By Shannon Tawoos. (10/16/2017)


1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-150 | 151-180 | 181-210 | 211-240 | 241-252

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